Wise Words of a Prim & Proper Lady

“Blow it out your ass!”

Vytas Stoskus
3 min readJul 22, 2022


Where would you like me to shove this impressive rack . . . © Vytas Stoskus, 2022

While sitting in a car in the midst of a traffic jam, a driver behind them was laying into the horn without letup as if that would clear the road & allow passage. Finally, an aging lady of proper breeding with all the seals of approval from “Good Housekeeping” & the other accrediting associations could stand it no longer, rolled down her window, stuck her head out, & proclaimed loudly, “Blow it out your ass!” to the driver leaning on his horn behind them.

A feeling to do likewise comes over me regularly as I hear about all the insanity passing for politics, leadership decisions, & international agreements. Mere rationality has become rare. Like the main character in the film “Network” leaning out his window & screaming “I’m not going to take this anymore!”, I, too, often want to let it all out so as not to melt down otherwise.

Meltdown © Vytas Stoskus, 2022

From my own experience & that of many of my psychotherapy clients, students, & workshop participants, I completely disagree with the research supposedly showing that the volcano theory of emotional release is not valid. I know how I feel when I shout, cuss, or otherwise blow up, usually at myself, for…



Vytas Stoskus
Vytas Stoskus

Written by Vytas Stoskus

Social psychologist, psychotherapist (Worldwide thru Skype), conflict mediator; organizational, creativity, & unschooling consultant; Heretic, outside agitator.

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