Weasels, Wastrels, & Warmongers
El Dorado Folding in Upon Itself
No one sane can deny that the so-called Soviet Union, not a union by any stretch of the imagination, was just a reincarnation of the Czarist Russian Empire. It was evil beyond compare, & it was accurately dubbed by Reagan as “The Evil Empire”, but what this 2-bit actor president failed to admit was that he was the head of the Other Evil Empire that has far outdone anything the most heinous of empires & psychopathic leaders could ever devise.
The list of their most recent & ongoing atrocities is long. This is just a glimpse at the current status & the imminent tragedy which was once thought to be El Dorado with streets of gold.
How thick does one need to be to not recognize a genocide as obvious as the one in Palestine, one including not just the bombing of hospitals, schools, & refugee camps but also the starvation, dehydration, & intentional killing of children along with women, the elderly, the sick & injured?
How insensitive must one be to block humanitarian aid which includes medical supplies vital for arm & leg amputations which are being performed without anesthetics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! even on children!!!!!!!!!!!! What kind of deranged people do this? & what kind of deranged people can support such a nation?