Man lying in a flower bed along a public sidewalk seemingly asleep. A good guess would say drunk &/or homeless.
One with the plants. © Vytas Stoskus, 2023

Vision for a Post-War Ukraine

Vytas Stoskus
6 min readMar 11, 2023


When major cruise lines began scrapping some of their ships for the sale of the scrap metal a few months into the COVID pandemic in 2020, I was horrified. Such waste! Why could they not be turned into floating instruments of peace in a world enshrouded in the chaos of not just a strange & highly fatal unknown new virus but of wars, fleeing & drowning refugees with the Mediterranean becoming a sea of corpses, & mutual hatreds. With increasing violence within supposedly developed societies like the U$ spreading alongside in a parallel epidemic, I hear mostly empty words & political promises as meaningful & powerful as a parent telling a child “someday when you’re older.”

Maturity is not emerging from the “great centers of learning”, the “think” tanks, or the leaders of the major religions while the United Nations & other world forums are just more opportunities for vapid “dialogue.” It was refreshing to hear Greta Thunberg, put the United Nations into perspective by shaming them with her comment “How dare you! You have stolen my dreams & my childhood with your empty words.”

I’m sitting here in Lithuania, Putin’s next stop on his itinerary, wondering if anyone’s going to wake up & do what needs to be done — put him & his twin megalomaniacal psychopaths around the globe away from access to anything but regular meals & a bunk. Some say an anchor chained to his ankle & a…



Vytas Stoskus

Social psychologist, psychotherapist (Worldwide thru Skype), conflict mediator; organizational, creativity, & unschooling consultant; Heretic, outside agitator.